Tuesday, September 30, 2014

International Students learning with iPads

Head of ESOL teacher Mr Owen Shrimpton has been using iPads for teaching and learning with his international students. Owen recently gave some of his students an iPad with the only instruction to "show me how you can use the device to help your learning at school."
"They are finding their own apps like Baidu Translate to help with their English across their classes. With this app my Chinese students take a picture of an object, circle it, and can get the English translation aloud and in written form."
 This type of learning has been very valuable to his students.
"This is much more powerful personalised learning as when the international students arrive they are the ones who have the greatest understanding of what they need."
Given the large number of apps and resources available in many different languages, Owen has been able to integrate specific apps and web links to tailor a learning plan for the CBHS international students.

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